Any animal you take into your home, to love and to care for, for the rest of the animal's life, is a big responsibility. Too often, people take on this monumental task, and find out that the job is harder than they imagined. People may get a dog, cat, or other animal for the holidays, not knowing what they are getting into. Pets should not be given as a gift. This leads to rehoming the animal, or worse, they set the animal loose. Domesticated dogs and cats have a really tough time when they are left to fend for themselves, especially if they have grown up in a home by themselves, with no other adults to teach them how to survive in the wild. Animal rescues are working overtime all across the world because irresponsible people make poor decisions for those pets. The first step to combat this epidemic is to realize the responsibility, and understand the pet you intend to bring home, so you can be well prepared when your life changes for the better when your companion gets through the door.

Basic Care for Your Animal

Before you acquire your pet, there should be no question that you know how to take care of that animal, regardless of what animal it is. Exotic pets tend to be called just that because they are uncommon for households to have. There is a reason for that. Most animals in the kingdom are not made for life with people. Dogs and cats are some of the best animals on Earth, and they have no issues with being raised in a house with people as their companions. Research should be done on your part to ensure you know exactly what to do in every situation in caring for that animal.

Where Can I Find More Information?

If you rescue an animal, the shelter will gladly give you any information, training, and basic equipment to care for that animal. If you ask, they will almost certainly set you up for success. Mostly, it is up to the owner, as they are ultimately responsible for the care and welfare of that animal. Any shelter, vet, or even a friend will help with any questions anyone has about anything pet care related. The internet is also a great resource if you find the information from a reputable website.

Caring for our animals is our duty. Understanding exactly what your future looks like with that animal is crucial in making that decision before loading them up in the car to take home. If you are ever unsure about the needs of an animal, call someone who does, so you can keep your pet happy and healthy. IF you have any questions about a pet you are interested in adopting contact your veterinarian in Ypsilanti at (734) 485-1622.